
SEVERNA PARK United Methodist Church
Praise the Lord!  Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty firmament!  Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Him with the lyre and harp!  Praise Him with the tambourine and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!  Praise Him with loud cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals.  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord.            (Psalm 150: 1,3-6)

Music is central to our worship here at Severna Park United Methodist Church.  Our Music Ministry provides an excellent opportunity to sing in a choir from ages 3 and up.  Handbell choirs using 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and 5 octaves of Malmark handchimes fill our sanctuary with the sound of music.  We are blessed with a wonderful Wicks/Daffer pipe organ and a Yamaha Grand piano to also fill our sanctuary with glorious music as we praise the Lord.


The SPUMC pipe organ, designed by Wicks Organ Company and upgraded by Daffer Church Organs, has a 3 manuals (3 keyboards) and a full pedalboard with 37 pipe ranks (sets of pipes).   That's a lot of technical jargon that means that our organ produces the full range of sounds from the deep sounds produced by the tall pipes to the tinkle of bells from the smaller pipes.  All working harmoniously together in unison to lift our spirit to God as we praise Him.


Nicola combines her musical talent together with the beautiful sounds of our magnificent pipe organ to enhance the songs of praise of our choir as they raise their voices in praise to the Lord.  Listen as Nicola plays The God of Abraham Praise by Michael Burkhardt.


Sanctuary Choir

Practice Thursday 7:30 - room 110.
No audition required.


The Sanctuary Choir is a traditional adult choir which provides musical leadership for the traditional 11a.m. service on each Sunday and pursue the following styles of music: classical, spiritual, folk, cantatas, and joint works with other churches.  The Sanctuary Choir also performs larger choral works with orchestra and soloists. 


Enjoy hearing our Sanctuary Choir as they sing We'll Be There


If you have an interest in this choir email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.


Contemporary Choir

Practice Thursday 6:30 PM - room 110.
No audition required.


The Contemporary Choir is part of the Contemporary Ministries and occasionally sings for 9:30am worship service.  They sing in the following styles of music: gospel, praise and worship, spiritual, contemporary Christian, folk, jazz and cantatas.   The Contemporary Choir also performs a staged cantata once a year.  


Enjoy hearing our Contemporary Choir as they sing  In the Name of the Lord  (Helvering/Gaither; MP3 Audio File 4.5MB) and Down to the River to Pray


If you have an interest in this choir email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.


Early Riser Choir

Practice Sunday 7:30 to 8:00am. No audition required.

The Early Risers choir sing every other Sunday at the 8:00 AM service. 


If you have an interest in this choir email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.

Youth Choir


Enjoy hearing our Youth Choir as they sing He Is The Rock  (MP3 Audio File 2.9MB).  


If you have an interest in this choir email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.


Church Youth also form a Praise Band to provide music for Youth Fellowship on Sunday evenings and play occasionally for Sunday morning worship services.   


Enjoy hearing our Youth Praise Band as they perform Jesus Is Alive.


Primary Choir/ Junior Choirs

Practice Sunday 9:00 to 9:30am - room 108.
No audition required.


The Primary/Junior choir at SPUMC is made up of boys and girls 1st - 6th grade.  They practice weekly, and sing in worship periodically throughout the year in all 3 services.  At times, based on participation year to year, the choir will divide into younger and older ensembles or all-boys and all-girls ensembles as well.  The main focus of this group is to get our young people excited about music and engaged in the process of participating in the worship experience.


If you have an interest in this choir email Joanna Ostrowski or call 410-315-8596.  


Cherub Choir

Practice Wednesday 6:30pm - room 110.
No audition required.


Boys and girls, ages 3 through kindergarten have fun learning about music through marching, dancing, rhythm imitation and of course singing.  They sing once every six weeks at 9:30 or 11a.m. worship.   They participate in Good News Festival during Advent as well as the Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve and the Children’s Musical in the spring. 

Enjoy hearing the Cherub Choir as they sing O Lord Open Our Lips.

If you have an interest in this choir contact Jill Hellwig


Sanctuary Bell Choir

Practice Every other Tuesday 7:00 PM


Sanctuary Bells is an intermediate level adult  handbell group which plays 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and five octaves of handchimes.   If you can read sheet music and would enjoy ringing with a group, you should try it!   


Enjoy hearing the Handbell Choir as they perform Hymn to Joy. 


We could use a few more ringers and substitutes.  If you have an interest in this choir email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.


Praise Bands

Practice Wednesday 6:45 PM


SPUMC’s 9:30 Contemporary Services are led by two praise bands:  “Two or More” and “Lost and Found.”  Each band practices weekly and plays every other week.  If you sing or play guitar, bass, or drums we are always looking for new participants and substitute personnel.  The praise bands of SPUMC strive to lead a worship experience that is familiar to the congregants, while introducing new music and modern styles of worship to broaden the experience for everyone involved. 


The first praise band at SPUMC chose the name "Two of More"  because they truly believe the words Jesus spoke to his disciples long ago still apply today; for when we are together in worship, when we share our praise in music, truly He is among us!  Two or More leads worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, and also leads on special occasions, Christmas Eve, Fall Festival, and other times throughout the year.


As the interest in Contemporary worship grew at SPUMC, so did the interest of those wishing to participate in worship.  A second praise team, "Lost and Found", was formed in the fall of 2008.  The praise team’s name was inspired by the words from John Newton’s hymn Amazing Grace, “I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.”  Lost and Found leads worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, and assists with special occasions and holidays as needed. 


If you have an interest in joining a Praise Band, email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.


Worship Ensembles


Throughout the year, there are numerous opportunities for individuals or groups musicians and singers at SPUMC.  Those who are unable to participate in a choir or praise band, (or even those that do participate) can still contribute to the worship experience through solos, duets, trios, and small ensembles put together for special services. 


If you are interested in providing special music for any of the services at SPUMC, please email Jon Brewer or call 410-987-4700.  We have opportunities for singers as well as pianists, guitarists, drummers, wind instruments, stringed instruments and melodic percussion.


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Jon Bewer 

For further information please email Jon Brewer

Severna Park United Methodist Church
731 Benfield Road,  Severna Park,  MD 21146
Phone: 410-987-4700    Emergency Pager 410-991-6639

Copyright © 2008 Severna Park United Methodist Church
The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark of The United Methodist Church