
SEVERNA PARK United Methodist Church



In Baptism, we recognize God's claim on our lives.  In Confirmation, students have an opportunity to claim the relationship God freely offers for them.


Confirmation is a class for students seventh grade and up, who are interested in becoming a member of the church. New Member orientation classes prepare adults for Confirmation.  These classes teach students the important aspects of one's faith: baptism, Holy Communion, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the history of the Christian church, and the history of the United Methodist Church. The class is designed to prepare the students to answer the all-important question:

"Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior,
put your whole trust in His grace,
and promise to serve Him as your Lord,
in union with the church which Christ
has opened to people of all ages, nations, and races?"

One way to be involved in the lives of families at all different stages is to celebrate re-affirmations of faith. Youth confirmation can be the beginning of a lifetime of spiritual discovery, spiritual formation, and re-affirmations or confirmations in the church. "Unlike baptism, which is a once-made covenant and can only be reaffirmed, not repeated, confirmation is a dynamic action of the Holy Spirit that can be repeated.


Confirmation can be started with youth at the junior high level, continued at the senior high level, offered again as young adults, again before marriage, at the emergence of parenthood, at retirement, or at any time of life a person chooses. That yearly ritual of confirmation in our churches could include all persons who wish to confirm their faith, not just our youth.


Adult Confirmation classes are a part of the Connections Gatherings that are held several times each year.  For more information please click on "New Member Info".




Confirmation education for 7th and 8th graders will begin on Tuesday, January 21 with an Orientation and dessert for students and parents.  Classes will begin in February on Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30.
A letter with more details is going out now. If you are interested and think we might not have your child on our list, please write to Rev. Lee and we will be sure you receive a letter.
Interested senior high youth should talk to Lee directly about a different class for you!


Classes cover the basics of Christian faith, worship, the sacraments, Bible, United Methodism, and missions.  There are minimal requirements and reading assignments.  Each youth is assigned a mentor to help guide and encourage them in the process.


Letters have already gone out; if you want information and did not receive a letter, contact the church office or email Rev. Lee

Interested senior high youth should talk to Lee directly about a different class for you!




For more information contact Rev. Lee Ferrell 410-987-4700

  Safe Sanctuaries   


Severna Park United Methodist Church
731 Benfield Road,  Severna Park,  MD 21146
Phone: 410-987-4700    Emergency Pager 410-991-6639

Copyright © 2008 Severna Park United Methodist Church
The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark of The United Methodist Church