
SEVERNA PARK United Methodist Church




the number of people helped by SPUMC sponsors

reaches into the hundreds

We are truly grateful and blessed that so many of our congregation are now participating in sponsorship through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA). 

The help that sponsorship provides reaches far beyond the 74 children and aging friends that we sponsor since it also helps the entire family.

Guatemala infoAlthough CFCA is worldwide, we at Severna Park United Methodist Church generally sponsor families in Guatemala so those who wish to visit their sponsored friends can go as a group.


As Christa said, “I find this particular ministry a blessing as it also allows my children to be a part of a ministry within our church and to be a part of sharing the many blessings we have.   They can relate to the children we have adopted.  Even though they don't live with us they have become a part of our family. Their pictures are on the door of our fridge and we get to see them each day!”


As CFCA Advocates and members of Severna Park United Methodist Church,
Bob and Katherine will help you become a sponsor.

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Click here to see CFCA's Guide To Sponsorship

Learn more about CFCA's work in Guatemala and how you can visit your sponsored friend



Story and Pictures - February 2011


Although each of us found God in the eyes of the children and aging we visited during our trip to Guatemala in February 2011, Joe Bliss, who we met on this trip, was able to express his feelings in a way that says it all.  You can read Joe's story and see pictures of our trip by clicking here,


Excerpt from Joe’s report

There are moments in this life when God gently knocks on the door of our souls, moments when He lifts us from the shadow of our own selves and into the light of what truly matters. Every once in a while and in spite of our own spiritual blindness, God allows us a moment to see. Before my feet ever touched the solid ground of Guatemala, I was as blind as ever. I was lost in the darkness of my own self, buried beneath the things of this world that don’t matter and never will. His knock would come gently at first, the door of my soul so slow to open. But over time, over the course of one week, the knock became a push and the push became a shove until I opened my soul just enough to let His grace slip in. I wasn’t surprised by the overwhelming power of God’s grace. Who would be? What surprised me, the very thing that changed my life forever, was through whom His grace would flow.


Reid Nancy
Kathy Greg
CFCA founder, Bob Hentzen, tells how CFCA respects and works with people of all faith traditions

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93.7 percent of CFCA's expenses go toward program support.Financials

CFCA assigns the highest reasonable amount of available resources to the direct benefits of sponsored members. CFCA is committed to enriching the lives of all the individuals and families in our program. In 2011, only 3.1 percent of our expenses were for administrative costs. Fundraising accounted for just 3.2 percent of our total expenses.

Total program support represented 93.7 percent of expenses. A total of $94.9 million was disbursed in direct assistance to our projects for the benefit of the children, youth and aging persons we serve.


CFCA’s total contributions and revenue surpassed last year’s total, reaching $110.1 million for the 2011 calendar year. CFCA expresses sincere gratitude to our sponsors and donors, who have helped make the dreams and hopes of the families we serve a reality.



Highly rated by charity watchdog groups

CFCA consistently meets and exceeds standards of third-party organizations that evaluate charities in order to help donors make wise giving decisions.




Become a sponsor and make a difference in someone’s life

Your CFCA Advocates

Bob and Katherine Geissler

Phone: 410-987-1571     Email: bgeissler@severnaparkumc.org

Visit CFCA website

Severna Park United Methodist Church
731 Benfield Road,  Severna Park,  MD 21146
Phone: 410-987-4700    Emergency Pager 410-991-6639

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