
SEVERNA PARK United Methodist Church

Give Thanks To The Lord And Praise Him For Our Many Blessings




Prayer is an integral part of the life of Severna Park United Methodist Church. As Christians we are called to “pray without ceasing” in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. We believe that prayer connects us with God and it is through prayer that we engage in a lifelong conversation with God.

There are many facets to our prayer ministry. For example, on Sundays the pastors take written prayer request cards from the congregation and incorporate them into the pastoral prayer. Those same prayer requests are then prayed over by our prayer team, pastors, and staff throughout the week as well as passed along to the prayer chain.

The prayer request cards can be found in the pew racks at church or you can print your own prayer request card and bring it to church on Sunday or mail it to the church.

Prayer Request Card found in the pews or click here to print your own.

The SPUMC Prayer Chains consists of approximately 40 members in five prayer chains, two daytime, 2 nighttime and an email chain.  Prayers go through all of the chains.  To add your prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please call the church office at 410-987-4700 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm or submit it on a prayer card. For emergency prayer requests after office hours or on weekends, please call the on-call pastoral emergency phone at 410-991-6639.


Prayer Corner

On Wednesdays there is a small prayer group that meets to pray for the concerns of the church and members.


Email Alice Allor  if you would like more information on this prayer team.



The prayer chapel is open during the week, and on Sundays, to all who wish for a quiet place to pray or meditate.




We invite you to participate in any or all of the prayer ministries that SPUMC has to offer!

For further information call the church office 410-987-4700.


Severna Park United Methodist Church
731 Benfield Road,  Severna Park,  MD 21146
Phone: 410-987-4700    Emergency Pager 410-991-6639

Copyright © 2008 Severna Park United Methodist Church
The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark of The United Methodist Church