
SEVERNA PARK United Methodist Church



"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." (Matthew 25:35-36, NRSV)

Your gift to Severna Park United Methodist Church will help us continue to make a difference" in our church, in our community, and in our world. As we work to share the love of our Lord with others, your pledges and your gifts make a difference in the lives we touch.

Why Pledge?
A pledge is your personal commitment to provide a set amount of financial support to the programs, ministries, and day-to-day operating costs of Christ Church. By pledging, you are demonstrating a conscious commitment to give back to God a portion of the gifts he has so graciously given to you. Your pledge is a personal covenant between you and God.

Your pledge allows us to realistically budget our expenses and ministry. Your gifts provide for all of our ministries... ministries that change lives.

How do I pledge?
You can obtain a Pledge Commitments Card by clicking here or from the church office. This Financial Commitment Card will be the statement of your pledge for the remainder of this year or for the coming year. You may give weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly. You can pledge at any time throughout the year.


Pledge Card


What is the right amount to give?
It is important to remember that we are only stewards of everything that we have. Tithing (10%) has been the traditional standard of giving in the church. As you prayerfully consider your pledge amount, God will guide your decision.


Personal Giving Calculator

What are our offerings used for?
Many people who are new to the church may not understand how the church operates financially. The entire operation of the church depends on the financial contributions of its members and supporters. This includes all of the expenses of the church, such as property, utilities, salaries, maintenance, programs, mission support and services. As a not-for-profit organization, the church does not earn money, or make a 'profit.  We are dependent totally one your contributions. Giving is Not about fulfilling the Church's budget needs, but is about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Tell me about giving and donating!

We are witnesses of God's work through our prayers, service, and giving. When we pray, serve, and give, God not only acts through us but within us to grow our faith. This is why we offer a number a different ways to give so that you can remain faithful in your giving even if you are out of town, or just forget your wallet.

When we think of regular church giving, the Sunday offering plate is usually the first image that comes to mind. This traditional means of offering is still a good way to give back to the Lord a portion of what He has given you. In today's electronic age, this type of offering can be automated to make it easier for you and the church.

In addition to the Sunday offering plate, there are many other ways you can contribute::


How can contributions to the Sunday offering plate be automated?

Severna Park United Methodist Church offers two methods of automating contributions to the Sunday offering plate. The first method is E-Giving, otherwise known as bank transfers, automatic billing, etc.  The second method is called Auto-Debit.



What's the difference between E-Giving and Auto-Debit?

With E-Giving, your bank automatically transfers money from your account to the churches account on the date(s) you specify to your bank. With Auto-Debit, the church's bank request your contribution to be debited from your account on the date(s) specified on your Auto-Debit application form.


You set up E-Giving with your bank‘s bill pay service which most banks offer at no charge as part of their online banking services. To enroll in Auto-Debit you complete an Auto-Debit form, put it in a sealed envelope marked “Auto-Debit” and drop it in the collection plate or mail it to the church.


Both methods of electronic tithing allow your contributions to continue even though you aren't able to attend church. E-Giving has the advantage that it is easier and quicker for you to change or cancel if your circumstances require. To change Auto-Debit you resubmit the application form, the change takes place the following month.



What are the benefits of automating contributions?

  • You are taking a step of faith – When you sign up to give automatically you are deciding in advance to faithfully give. God blesses that kind of faith!

  • You make your life a little bit simpler – You don’t need to remember whether you gave this month. And if you are out of town or on vacation, you don’t need to think about it. You don't even have to remember to write a check each week and bring it to church Sunday morning.

  • You will be helping the church – Every person who gives through automatic giving makes our record keeping easier and helps ensure continuous monthly cash flow to cover ministry expenses particularly during the summer vacation months.

  • You can focus on worship at church – Instead of having to get out a pen and write out an envelope and check, you can focus entirely on worship.

  • There are no processing fees - 100% of your gift goes to Severna Park United Methodist Church.

  • You'll still receive envelopes - You can supplement your electronic contributions at any time.



Most financial institutions offer Electronic Payment to their customers. This service is typically free and can be used to transfer money from your checking or savings account to any business or person within the United States. Transfers can be established on a one-time or recurring basis (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).


It is a convenient and secure way to make your contribution, under your full control, in contrast to Auto-Debit. Like Auto-Debit, the payment will occur as scheduled even when you are unable to attend a worship service, but unlike Auto-Debit, it is much easier and quicker for you to cancel or change if your circumstances require.

If you are interested in this simple way to give your offering, contact your bank:

  • Establish SPUMC as a Payee.

  • Provide the bank your church offering envelope number, either as an "account number" or in a "memo" option within the payment statement.

  • Verify that the bank has the correct church address and phone number [731 Benfield Rd, Severna Park, MD 21146; (410) 987-4700].

For most banks you can create this transfer action directly online at the bank's website or by phone. No coordination, notification, or action by SPUMC is required.

The SPUMC Financial Secretary will receive notification of your funds transfer to ensure proper annotation to your giving records for the annual statement of giving that you can use for income tax filing. Your church envelopes can be used to supplement your offerings whenever you like.



Auto-Debit is an easy and effective way to automate your giving. To enroll in Auto-Debit, simply complete the Auto-Debit form, put it in a sealed envelope marked “Auto-Debit” and drop it in the collection plate or mail it to the church.   Once you have enrolled, you may update or change your giving at any time simply by re-submitting the Auto-Debit form.


The Finance Secretary compiles a list of everyone in the congregation who signs up for Auto-Debit. Each month an up-to-date list is electronically sent to Bank of America who then auto-debits these specific accounts on the various dates specified on the application forms.


If you want to change the amount of your Auto-Debit, such as for a new pledge for the next year, you simply re-submit the auto-debit form, checking the box indicating that the amount is to be changed. Or you can use your church envelopes to supplement your offerings whenever you like.

Auto-Debit Form



If you have the good fortune to come into an unexpected amount of money, you might consider giving a lump sum contribution to show your appreciation of God's favor on you. By doing this, you are demonstrating a conscious commitment to give back to God a portion of the gifts he has so graciously given to you.


Gifts express the love we have for others. At Severna Park United Methodist Church members have found many ways to honor their loved ones, including gifts to our missionaries and other mission causes; lighting the steeple; flowers for the altar; contributions to the Endowment Fund; and a variety of other special offerings. Memorial gifts honor the memory of loved ones who have died, expressing this love through the ongoing life of Christ's church.

Donations Of Appreciated Stock

The gift of stock in a company can be a double benefit to both the ministry and the donor. Since existing tax laws allow the value of a noncash gift to be claimed at its fair market value, the donor can receive a tax deduction at far above his or her actual cost. For instance, if the donor has a cost basis for the stock of $10 per share, but the current market value is $100 per share, the tax-deductible gift value of the stock is $100.

Since the stock wasn’t actually sold by the donor, there is no capital gains tax due, so the entire gift value is a deduction. If the stock had been sold and the proceeds donated, the donor would have had to include the sale in total income for tax purposes and then deducting the gift.

Donating the stock prior to sale, therefore, represents a significant savings. The church, being a nonprofit organization, can then sell the stock without incurring the capital gains tax.


If you are considering doing this, please discuss it with the Finance Committee and your tax advisor.


Endowment is one of the most beautiful words in the English language. It means to make an investment in the future, to provide an income, usually for a cause in which you believe strongly and in which you have been involved during your lifetime. Gifts for endowment are either current gifts, perhaps of appreciated securities, or deferred gifts in the form of life income trusts or gift annuities, life insurance, or bequests in one’s will. In making such a gift you are assisting a cause of the United Methodist Church and helping yourself through tax savings. Severna Park United Methodist Church has an established Endowment Fund that is administered through the Endowment Committee.


You can find out more about the Endowment Fund by clicking here.


Designated contributions are donations for which the donor has directed a particular intended use of the funds. For example, a donor might donate funds to the church and direct that the funds should be spent only on acquiring or improving a church facility, supporting the church youth group, purchasing a church bus, or as specific gift for something the church would like to have, but may not be in its budget.


The churches is not required to accept the donation, but a designated donation, once accepted, must spend be spent in accordance with the instruction given by the donor at the time that the donation is accepted. In essence, by accepting the designated gift, the church is agreeing to honor the donor’s wishes with respect to how the donation is to be used.


For more information, please contact the Finance Committee

Severna Park United Methodist Church
731 Benfield Road,  Severna Park,  MD 21108
Phone: 410-987-4700    Emergency Pager 410-991-6639

Copyright © 2008 Severna Park United Methodist Church
The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark of The United Methodist Church